Do you have urgent questions that need answers right away; or just want to chat and socialize with other Turner Syndrome families in the St. Louis area?
Our quarterly support group meetings provide a place for anyone touched by Turner Syndrome to gather information, discuss any topic, ask any questions, or just have a place to chat socially and catch up with others in our area who also have Turner Syndrome.
Our support group holds various events throughout the year to promote awareness, encourage building relationships, present opportunities to connect, provide information and support, or just socialize and meet other families in the area who also have Turner Syndrome. We hope to see you soon at our next event!
Thanks to donations, we are able to provide these 3 books for FREE to families of girls with Turner Syndrome who live in the St. Louis and surrounding areas:
~ Turner Syndrome: Across the Lifespan ~
This book is a must have for any woman with TS or parent of a girl with TS. It breaks down all the various symptoms of TS into each individual chapter so you can get a full understanding of the syndrome. Very easy to read and informative. Topics include genetics, growth, heart health, thyroid issues, puberty, infertility, bone health, diabetes, hearing, skin issues, school and learning issues, and more.
~ A Guide for Girls with TS: Ages 11-15 ~
This booklet will help teens understand Turner Syndrome and give them an idea of what it means to be a teenage girl with Turner Syndrome. It will provide teens with input and advice from other girls and women with TS about the issues they face and how they cope with them. A great tool for teens trying to understand how Turner Syndrome fits into their life.
~ Coley's Story ~
This booklet is full of photos and an upbeat description of what it's like to have TS from a 4 year old's perspective. For any young girl with TS, this book is guaranteed to become their favorite! It helps young girls with TS relate to other children who are going thru the same issues. A great tool for parents trying to explain TS to a young child.
Click here for a sneak peak into these books.
If you have a TS butterfly in your family, live in the St. Louis and surrounding area, and would like any of these books, contact
Copyright © 2019 Turner Syndrome Support of St. Louis - All Rights Reserved.
Turner Syndrome Support of St. Louis is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.